Player's Building: This building follows the standard Knock Building Interface menu style. Look around the room and count the different colored lights. 0:00 / 8:01 Temple of Light Full Walkthrough Klondike adventure Games player 359 subscribers Subscribe 1.2K views 1 year ago fun gaming klondikeadventure gaming fun klondikeadventure. It says AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY and a note that says COUNT THE LIGHTS. This area contains many Blue Leaf that can be exchanged for chocolate in the ghost house. Open the small closet and grab the knitted hat.

When your neighbors visit your Clock Tower, they may purchase chocolates for emeralds.Quests trigger once you have finished all quests at Terra or when you first visit the land. In order to upgrade the Clock Tower you need Chocolate that can be made in the Ghost House, mailed as a gift from friends, or left by your friends who visit your Clock Tower. Quests trigger once you have finished all quests at Terra or when you first visit the land.The higher stage of upgrade you reach, the better heap of gifts you will get once you transform the Mill.Clock Tower is a building that you need to upgrade the best you can.